Spending time wisely!

General, Motivation Tips

When it comes to “Time” we are all on the same page with 24 hours in the day.   Hopefully you are sleeping well for at least 8 hours of the day which leaves 16 hours to fill your day wisely.   What are you doing with those 16 hours?  8 working,  8 spare?  Or maybe 12 working and 6 spare. What are you doing with your spare time.  Are you spending it wisely? What are your priorities and are you focusing on them efficiently in those few hours.

I don’t know if it’s just myself but as the years go by each one seems to fly by even faster.   Before I started to write this blog I noticed that the last one I wrote was over 20 months ago. Where did that time go!  Why did I not write more, obviously my time was focused elsewhere.

Spending time wiselyWhat I come across regularly and it seems to be a challenge for everyone is lack of time.  This has an impact on all areas of our lives.  When it comes to nutrition, we are eating our food faster which means we’re not digesting it well and getting the maximum nutrients from our foods. With less time to prepare foods we are opting for convenience foods, readymade, which are often higher in added sugar, salt and artificial ingredients which increase weight, weaken immunity, imbalance hormones and increase digestive problems.  Lack of time equals more stress.  Stress as I’ve written about previously plays havoc with our health and we all could benefit from slowing down more. However instead of talking about stress and nutrition lets take a step back and think about “time”.


Prioritise your time well

We all have different goals and priorities which change depending on the stage we’re at in life. That’s why it is important to review them regularly.  Maybe you’ve debt to clear and finance is top of mind, or you have ill health and recovery is priority, or you lack social connection and want to spend more time with friends and family or make new connnections. Maybe you say “Yes” to too many requests and need to learn to say “No” more so that you can focus on your own priorities. Do you have time for what matters in your life?  Whatever your priority is you need to look at where you spend your time so that you can fit in your goals and achieve them.

When you’ve worked this out and set aside the time to focus on your goal, the next step is motivation. What will keep you motivated to action your intention in your spare time? If you’re struggling with motivation then click here to read a blog that I wrote on setting goals with tips to help motivate you to achieve then.

Managing distractions

We are living in an information society which brings many distractions.  Constant emails, texts, social media, bleeps and beebs from our mobiles, our mobiles that we cannot live without.  So when it comes to managing your time, review this area and identify your time wasters.

I’ve kept this blog short in the hope that you’ll have the time to read it and then take a few minutes to re-evaluate where you spend it.  After all time well spent adds to life well lived!

“When you understand the value of time, the resource and the wealth of time, you will be running away from the crowd, you will be running away from distractions.” Sunday Adelaja

Looking for some support to get your health back on track? Why not book in on one of my actions hours!