Special Health Programmes Now available


“Low GL 12 week weight loss programme”
Emphasis on foods that keep you fuller for longer to avoid those energy dips and sugar cravings. Nutritious and tasty recipes, motivation and coaching, science based knowledge, NLP techniques to break lifetime habits. Learn how to change what you eat so that you not only shed those pounds but stay healthier for life. Consultation every week for 12 weeks.

“Digestive Wellness programme”
4 consultations over 4 months. Identify possible causes of your digestive problems. We are not just “what we eat” but “what we absorb from what we eat”. Advice given on foods to support healthy digestion and foods to avoid. Biochemical tests (e.g. food intolerance, comprehensive stool analysis) recommended if required* and results interpreted with follow-up protocol.

“Living Well with M.E.(Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”
6 to 12 month personalised programme (one session per month) that includes Nutrition & Lifestyle advice, Reiki energy healing, NLP techniques, guided meditation and health coaching. Biochemical tests* recommended if required. The programme aims to empower you with advice and support for living well and where possible recovering fully from CFS/ME.

For more details and information on consultation fees, just call me on 087 1266525.

*additional cost for tests