Keeping it simple

Keeping it simple

As I pack for my Camino trip tomorrow, I felt inspired to share my thoughts on what’s really started to resonate with me lately, keeping it simple! I love walking, spending time in nature, meeting new people and when a good friend asked last year if I would like to...

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Spending time wisely!

Spending time wisely!

When it comes to “Time” we are all on the same page with 24 hours in the day.   Hopefully you are sleeping well for at least 8 hours of the day which leaves 16 hours to fill your day wisely.   What are you doing with those 16 hours?  8 working,  8 spare?  Or maybe 12...

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Set your goals and make this the year of action!

Forget about New Year’s resolutions. Why? Well most of them fall by the way side by the end of January. Have you ever noticed the increase in gym membership at the start of every year. There is a mad rush to get on the nearest available treadmill but then 4 weeks...

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