Bloated Stomach

Bloated Stomach

Beat the Bloat! Is Bloating (such as a bloated stomach) a symptom that you are all too familiar with?   I can totally relate as I struggled with it in the past when I was dealing with IBS symptoms.  It can also raise its ugly head from time to time with certain...

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Are snacks good or bad for you?

Are snacks good or bad for you?

Before I started studying nutrition back in 2007 I didn’t think twice about the type of snack I ate. Cadburys dairy milk wholenut bars, maltesers and chocolate chip cookies were some of my favourites! They were often grabbed when energy levels were low. Little did I...

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Your gut bacteria may be causing your ill health

Your gut bacteria may be causing your ill health

Have you ever thought about how your body bugs - that’s your good and bad bacteria, may be causing your digestive symptoms like constant bloating, irregular bowel movements, stomach cramps or symptoms like fatigue, constant colds or even problems with shifting those...

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Is there a cure for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)?

Is there a cure for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)?

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common intestinal health condition that I come across in my nutrition & health clinic. I know it far too well as I was personally diagnosed with it by a gastroenterologist in 2008. Not happy just to live with the symptoms I was...

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